What We Do
Acupuncture is one of the primary tools used within Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to address the symptoms of the human condition.
The goal is to help your body heal itself, by recognizing and responding to the presentations of dis-ease or disorder, and acting in accordance with the natural order of our body to rectify these imbalances.
This treatment will consist of a verbal intake/assessment followed by acupuncture, tuina, and/or herbal prescriptions based on the therapeutic goals of each patient.
Acupuncture (and TCM as a medical paradigm) provides the physician the ability to address the uniqueness of every patient and every condition. However, your journey to better health requires the participation and engagement of one aspect in particular, you.
With this in mind, we will take the time during appointments to consider how behaviors, routines, and patterns may be affecting your health to see what's working for you and what may be working against you in your daily life. This medicine is not only efficacious, but is universally accessible, universally applicable, and still uniquely individualistic to each patient's condition.
Returning Patient- 60 Minute session $80
New Patient- 75 Minute session $115
Tuina is a classical style of bodywork which operates within the paradigm and framework of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Manipulating both the physical tissue and the energetic dynamic of the body (Qi), Tuina allows the practitioner a diagnostic and therapeutic platform to help patients in their journey to improve their health.
Patients benefit from the immediate effects of the session as well as the residual and lasting health benefits. Tuina is perfect for orthopedic conditions or injuries, health and stress management, and general relaxation. Patients can expect a brief intake to discuss their health concerns or treatment goals related to the session, followed by a full hour of hands on work. Tuina is performed with clothes on, so patients should wear something comfortable.
60 Minute session $100
90 Minute session $125